Case Study: I am Here
2 Minutes read
Jess Butler | April 4th, 2022

Skildare partners with I Am Here to provide the full outsourced HR Department experience.
Who are "I Am Here"?
I Am Here established their original respite home in 1996 as Hunter Brain Injury Respite Options (Hunter BIRO). Through the tireless efforts of the committee, volunteers, and caring professionals, they soon established a reputation as a special place for guests and their carers.
Today, I Am Here has three homes, catering for supported independent living (SIL) and respite disability care services in Newcastle. Over 60 professional Disability Support Workers (DSWs) and support staff are dedicated to helping those in our care live their best possible lives.
What do
they do?
I Am Here expresses the voice of everyone with a disability. So often, these are the forgotten; the overlooked; the invisible people in our society.
The name is both a powerful statement and a constant reminder that whether a disability comes about by accident or birth, behind that disability is a unique individual worthy of recognition and respect.
Find out more
Skildare is I Am Here's
outsourced HR partner
The Skildare team have been working closely with I Am Here since 2020 to support their leaders in the following:
The day-to-day management of their HR function
Advice in the management of team development and performance
Retention strategies for their high quality DSWs and support staff